Penn Global Research & Engagement Grant Program Global Engagement Fund

Our longest-standing program, the Global Engagement Fund seeds creative, faculty-driven projects that will catalyze entrepreneurial research initiatives or engagement activities in a global context. 


The Global Engagement Fund was established in 2011 and has since supported dozens of innovative faculty-driven projects, based in all of Penn's 12 Schools. 

  • 177 Total number of grants supporting projects across disciplines.
  • 124 Number of Penn faculty engaged from all of Penn's 12 Schools.

Explore Current & Past Projects

The Global Engagement Fund has provided critical seed funding to a wide range of international Penn faculty research initiatives, including PSOM Professor Ricardo Castillo Neyra’s One Health in Latin America project, ​​​​​which produced a mathematical model predicting the spread of rabies that was later applied to model COVID-19 transmission in Peru, and Weitzman Design Professor Bill Braham’s Energy and Comfort Assessment of Mongolian Ger Dwellings project, which went on to receive a 2018-19 UNICEF grant to further its research into 21st century Ger design boosting electric heating efficacy through better insulation.

Explore all GEF Projects

Featured GEF Project
Teaching Beyond September 11th

Teaching Beyond September 11th offers a free-to-download, 20-module curriculum, geared towards high-school and undergraduate students and designed to help deepen understandings of how the September 11th attacks continue to reverberate in communities across the globe. The curriculum explores many themes including social justice, representation, public opinion, democracy, and US foreign and domestic policy. This project is led by Penn GSE's Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher.

For Applicants & Awardees


Apply for a Grant

Penn Global welcomes proposals from members of the Penn community seeking support for their global research activities or convenings. Learn more about both grant opportunities. 


Manage My Grant

If you are receiving support from the Penn Global Research and Engagement Grant Program, learn about what you need to do to get started and to effectively manage your grant. 

Manage My Grant


Apply for a Grant

Penn Global welcomes proposals from members of the Penn community seeking support for their global research activities or convenings. Learn more about both grant opportunities. 


Manage My Grant

If you are receiving support from the Penn Global Research and Engagement Grant Program, learn about what you need to do to get started and to effectively manage your grant. 

Manage My Grant