Penn gathers at COP28 to share ideas and research in university pavilion

December 4, 2023
By Penn Today

A delegation of University researchers will be providing expertise on a wide array of issues to be discussed at COP28, the annual climate conference of the United Nations.

The University of Pennsylvania announced that it has sent a delegation of University researchers—led by the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy and Perry World House—to COP28, the annual climate conference of the United Nations. The Penn delegation also includes representatives from Penn Global, the Penn Institute for Urban Research (PennIUR), and others across campus—providing expertise on a wide array of issues to be discussed at COP28, including loss and damage, extreme heat, green finance, food waste, the role of cities and municipalities in addressing the challenges of climate change, and the need to transition energy sources from fossil fuels to clean and sustainable technologies.

Since Penn’s first official COP presence in 2019, the delegation and its impact have grown exponentially. This year marks 24 delegates traveling on Penn badges and additional Penn-affiliated individuals attending on other badges—such as Michael Weisberg, interim director of Perry World House, who this year joins the Palau delegation in support of their negotiations on loss and damages, a topic that dominated the conversation at CO27 and is a crucial topic again this year.

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