At risk of persecution, scholars continue research at Penn

November 7, 2022
By Kristen de Groot

The recently launched At-Risk Scholars Program has enabled two people—an art historian and economist—to escape persecution and danger with a period of residence at the University.

For Pavel Golubev, a Russian art historian in charge of exhibits at a Ukrainian museum, it became clear at the start of the Russian invasion that he wasn’t safe there any longer. For Ángel Alvarado, an economist and Venezuelan congressman, it was political oppression hindering his efforts to restore democracy and rebuild the economy that prompted him to leave.

Now, both are continuing their research and sharing their expertise with the Penn community thanks to the recently launched At-Risk Scholars Program.

The program provides University support to Penn schools, centers, and departments that wish to help scholars escape persecution and danger through a period of residence at Penn.

Administered by Penn Global on behalf of the Office of the Provost, the program is intended to simultaneously lend humanitarian aid and refuge to at-risk scholars and to enhance the University’s teaching, research and service missions. The program has made five awards to date, and so far brought three scholars to campus, including Golubev and Alvarado.

“Penn is committed is to engaging globally, and this program is an extension of that commitment,” says Penn Vice Provost for Global Initiatives Ezekiel Emanuel. “Our moniker at Penn Global is to bring the world to Penn and Penn to the world. Whether it’s the Museum, the library, or particular departments, these scholars create more opportunities for our faculty and students to work globally and to make their work more productive by bringing together resources and creating collaborations. It’s the embodiment of the creation of Penn Global."

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