Applying Social Entrepreneurship in Botswana to Support Food Security

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Thomas Parsons

School Affiliation: Veterinary Medicine
Secondary Investigator: Brianna Parson, School of Veterinary Medicine
Country or Region Engaged: Gambia
Fund: Global Engagement Fund
Year Awarded: 2021-22
Expertise: Sustainability, Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Animal Husbandry, Anthropology
This project builds on Penn Vet’s previous experience creating an agricultural development initiative in The Gambia and applies this expertise to Botswana, with a focus on food security. Our objective is to develop a social entrepreneurial framework for identifying agricultural opportunities in low-resource settings. Implementation of this framework will include a feasibility study targeting sustainable agricultural development to improve affordability and access to nutritious animal-source foods while generating wealth for smallholder farmers in Botswana. Interviews with in-country stakeholders, such as veterinarians, farmers, educators and policy makers, provide the foundation for this analysis and will help prioritize food security initiatives based on both their social impact and return on investment. By developing this strategy, this project will create effective, high-impact agricultural initiatives to improve food security, health, nutrition, and livelihoods of local populations, and aims to have wide applicability for stakeholders not only in Botswana, but ultimately across the continent.