Center for Media@Risk Conference
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Barbie Zelizer
The Center for Media@Risk formally launched in April 2018 with a cross-disciplinary two-day conference funded by Penn Global that brought together media practitioners and scholars in the joint endeavor of defining what media at risk means globally in circumstances of political intimidation.
The Center for Media@Risk aims to shed light on the workings of authoritarianism by providing a global hub for practical and scholarly strategizing in response to the threatening political conditions currently undermining the global media environment. Understanding how media practitioners work under political intimidation—from explicit authoritarian regimes to circumstances of creeping authoritarianism—rests at the core of the university’s mission. The Center for Media@Risk will provide the educational tools necessary for identifying the changing parameters of political threat across the global media landscape—in journalism, documentary, entertainment and the digital environment, writ large—helping to foster a free and critical media environment.