Developing Numeracy and the Ability to Sustain Attention: An Interdisciplinary Research Program with Adaptive Technologies in India

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Heather Schofield

School Affiliation: Perelman School of Medicine & Wharton
Country or Region Engaged: India
Fund: Global Engagement Fund
Year Awarded: 2016-17
Expertise: Mathematics, Education, Technology

This study will use a randomized field experiment to test the impact of an adaptive tablet-based learning platform on two components of human capital: (i) students' mathematical skills - a central aspect of academic achievement - and (ii) students' ability to sustain focused attention - a fundamental skill underlying cognitive and non-cognitive tasks. The study will provide rigorous evidence on a novel, scalable low-cost policy solution for schooling in development countries. In addition, it will provide the first piece of empirical evidence on whether sustained attention is malleable - with the potential to reshape how we conceptualize human capital and the role of schooling.