Penn Global Research & Engagement Grant 2022 Launch Symposium

On Wednesday, April 27, 2022, join Penn Global for the 2022 Launch Symposium to learn about the newest cohort of projects supported by the Penn Global Research and Engagement Grant Program.

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The 2022 Launch Symposium will bring together faculty from across Penn to share short “blitz” style presentations on their projects that span research, capacity-building, and development efforts across Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, India, China, and beyond. The symposium will highlight Penn’s commitment to integrate knowledge across disciplines toward addressing global challenges, and to global engagement in a post-pandemic world. The program will begin at 1 PM and conclude at 5 PM, followed by a reception. All members of the Penn community are welcome.

This will be offered as a hybrid event. For those who are unable to join us in-person, information to attend virtually will be provided. 

Symposium Agenda

1:00 – 1:10 PM  |  Welcome and Opening Remarks

Ezekiel Emanuel, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives

1:10 – 1:45 PM  |  Panel 1: Human Development and Education

Moderator: Dan Wagner, Graduate School of Education 

  1. Pivoting a Profession: School Leadership Formation Across the Americas  
  2. Michael Johanek, Graduate School of Education
  3. Sighting Black Girlhood in Philadelphia, Jamaica, and South Africa
    Deborah Thomas, School of Arts & Sciences
  4. Leveraging Early Adolescence for Development (LEAP) in Ghana
    Sharon Wolf, Graduate School of Education
  5. Climate, Schooling and Learning in Rural India: A Mixed Method Study
    Amrit Thapa, Graduate School of Education

1:50 – 2:30 PM  |  Panel 2: Climate Change and Climate Justice

Moderator: Genie Birch, Weitzman School of Design / Penn Institute for Urban Research 

  1. Health and Environmental Benefits of Improved Cookstoves
    Susanna Berkouwer, The Wharton School
  2. Gambia Goat Dairy: A One-Health Teaching and Research Initiative
    Tom Parsons / Brianna Parsons, School of Veterinary Medicine
  3. African Darks Earths: Climate Mitigation and Sustainable Agriculture
    Alain Plante, School of Arts & Sciences
  4. Mega-Eco: Best practice for implementing large-scale nature-based solutions
    Robert Levinthal, Ph.D. candidate, Weitzman School of Design
  5. Water Rights at the interface of New Constitutionalism, Climate Change, and Extractivism in Latin America
    Kristina Lyons, School of Arts & Sciences

2:35 – 3:10 PM  |  Panel 3: HAREF Spotlight: Engaging Partners, Communities, and Institutions

Moderator: Wale Adebanwi, School of Arts and Sciences 

  1. Local Histories of Climate Change in the Horn of Africa
    Lee Cassanelli, School of Arts and Sciences
  2. PENN/UNILAG collaboration on racial disparities in ameloblastoma recurrence
    Sunday Akintoye, Dental Medicine
  3. Penn Development Research Institute (PDRI) Fellowship for African Scholars
    Guy Grossman, School of Arts & Sciences
  4. Enchanted Geography: India in the West African Popular Imagination
    David Amponsah, School of Arts & Sciences

3:10 – 3:20 PM  |  Break

3:20 – 3:55 PM  |  Panel 4: IREF Spotlight: India in the 21st Century

Moderator: Harsha Thirumurthy, Perleman School of Medicine 

  1. Understanding India’s Urban Future
    Tariq Thachil, School of Arts & Sciences / Center for the Advanced Study of India
  2. Computational Social Listening of Vaccine Attitudes in India to Increase Provider Efficacy
    Sharath Chandra Guntuku, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  3. Building the Habit of Regular Labor Supply in the Informal Market
    Heather Schofield, The Wharton School / Perelman School of Medicine
  4. Kerala Maritime Communities Project
    Thomas Tartaron, School of Arts & Sciences

4:00 – 4:35 PM  |   Panel 5: Global Intersections of Mobility, Sustainability, and Health

Moderator: Scott Moore, Penn Global 

  1. Migrant Associations in Sicily: Growing Capacity for Co-Development
    Domenic Vitiello, Weitzman School of Design
  2. Galapagos Climate Change Adaptation Americas
    Michael Weisberg, School of Arts and Sciences / Perry World House
  3. Global Lives of Medicines: Materials, Markets, and Healing Practices across Asia
    Hsiao-Wen Cheng, School of Arts & Sciences
  4. Using Computer Vision to Improve Sustainability of Chinese Pig Farmers
    Tom Parsons, School of Veterinary Medicine

4:35 – 4:40 PM  |  Closing Remarks

Amy Gadsden, Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives; Executive Director for China Initiatives

Penn Global Research and Engagement Grant Program

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The Penn Global Research and Engagement Grant Program aims to support projects that bring together leading scholars and practitioners across the University community and beyond to develop new insight on significant global issues in key countries and regions around the world.