What is the item?
Where is the item going?
Who is receiving it?
What will it be used for?
For more information visit the Shipment Decision Tree.
We recommend Penn faculty, staff and students* defer all Penn-affiliated travel to heightened risk regions, particularly where Penn’s ability to provide insurance and emergency assistance is limited. Visit our announcements page for locations recently added to the list of heightened risk regions.
*Undergraduate students are not permitted to travel to heightened-risk regions without gaining pre-approval through the undergraduate travel petition process.
Export control laws (ECLs) are federal regulations that govern how information, technologies, and commodities can be transmitted to anyone internationally, including U.S. citizens, or to foreign nationals in the United States, and prohibit the unlicensed export of certain items and services. Generally, most academic international collaborations, shipments, and/or travel will not require a license; however, a license determination depends on several factors. The Export Compliance Office in the Office of Research Services can help make this determination.
What is the item?
Where is the item going?
Who is receiving it?
What will it be used for?
For more information visit the Shipment Decision Tree.
The Office of Research Services should be contacted if Penn-owned equipment is involved or the travel involves Iran, Syria, Cuba, North Korea, or the Crimea Region of the Ukraine.
Where are you going?
What are you taking?
Who are you working with?
What is the intended end result of the collaboration/trip?
For additional resources visit the Forms & Documents Library (choose Export Compliance in the Areas of Service tab) provided by the Office of Research Services. You can also reach out to expctrl@lists.upenn.edu with questions.
For more information:
Jessica Buchanan
Director of Export Compliance
Office of Research Services
+1 215.573.8817
Compliance requirements can vary by country and it is important to understand particular sanctions, rules and embargoes on particular destinations.
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