Deepak Kejariwal is a junior concentrating in finance and entrepreneurship with a minor in Hispanic studies. Originally from Collegeville, PA, he is looking forward to studying at Pompeu Fabra and calling Barcelona, Spain his home for the Spring ‘23 semester. On campus, he is a senior consultant for Penn International Impact Consulting, a member of Kite and Key and Wharton Ambassadors, and director of the Launch Fund at Penn Undergraduate Capital Partners. In his free time he loves running along the Schuylkill, exploring the Philadelphia food scene, and being outdoors. Deepak is very excited to experience life outside the East Coast and become immersed in Spanish life.
Deepak is looking forward to:
Finding new running trails in Barcelona
Living with, attending classes with, and meeting people from across the world
Uncovering the best tapas in the city
Exploring Spain’s hidden treasures
Picking up some Catalan?
Catching El Clásico live
…and making lifelong memories.