SEAS, Fall 2019 Dennis Gann

EAP: SEAS, Fall 2019
From the University of New South Wales, Sydney

My Experience at Penn:

My exchange at Penn greatly exceeded any expectations I had. The classes I took were very different to anything I had done before and I thoroughly enjoyed them. Taking classes outside my faculty allowed me to experience and learn about new areas which are extremely relevant to my career goals. Smaller class sizes made them very interactive and engaging, allowing me to really get involved in discussions and contribute a 'foreign' perspective. Being at Penn and immersed in student life alongside academics was great for forming new cultural insights and life-long friendships. With so many events and activities happening on and around campus, there was always something to do and getting involved with student life was easy. The time I spent at Penn was truly amazing, I had so many new and eye-opening experiences, which have contributed to my academic, professional and social identities.


  • Penn student life; Living on campus for the first time

  • Becoming a teaching assistant at Penn

  • Taking classes outside of your major and home school

  • Making new friends from all over the world

  • Philly's top sights

  • Traveling the US during holiday breaks and weekends

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