CAS '21 Kushal Modi

GRIP: US Embassy - Paris, France

Program Abroad:

  • Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP): US Embassy - Paris, France

Ask me about...

  • Working abroad and living alone abroad. This experience is quite different than a traditional study abroad program. It required a lot more independence and adaptability to the foreign culture than I initially anticipated. 

My Experience Abroad:

Much of my coursework at Penn has focused on foreign policy and trade. Serving at Embassy Paris gave me firsthand access to negotiations, research, and policymaking in an international environment. I attended bilateral meetings, researched the implications of new policies, and worked with a wide variety of diplomatic offices on various subject areas. In addition, I got to apply my knowledge of French language and politics that I learned at Penn both in the office and around Paris.

Other Highlights:

  • I was able to attend exciting events through the Embassy like the Ambassador's July 4 Reception, the Paris Air Show, and the Tour de France.
  • I travelled around Europe to cities like Amsterdam, Barcelona, and London.
  • I developed great friendships with other GRIP Paris participants who I otherwise would not have gotten to know!

On the Penn Abroad Blog:

Not a Tourist, but Not a Local

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