Penn Abroad Ambassador Elan Roth

Elan Portrait
CAS '25
Logic, Information, and Computation
SA: Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
Study Abroad (SA)


  • SA: Budapest Semesters in Mathematics

Ask me about...

  • I learned a great deal about the mathematics world and how I can navigate applying for grad school. Also, I took classes that Penn does not offer so was able to expand my horizon of math knowledge by exposing myself to knew disciplines in the field.

My Experience Abroad:

My program was 45 people living in apartments spread across the city and I knew no one in the entire country. I spent more alone time in those 4 months than I ever have in my life -- an experience I didn't realize I needed.

Other Highlights:

  • Of course, traveling was amazing: seeing an abandoned Croatian military base on top of a mountain, eating pizza on the beach of Sicily, and exploring the Hungarian countryside. In Budapest, I loved having weekly picnics with my friends and finding small pubs to sit in and do our math homework together.

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