Penn Abroad Ambassador George Habib

EAP: SEAS, Year 2022
from Ain Shams University
EAP: Ain Shams University
Exchange at Penn (EAP)

Ask Me About...

  • First time abroad, which means also the first time in the US

  • First time away from my family for 9 months, and living alone

  • First time taking classes fully in English: I studied in English and the exams were in English back in my home University, however, teaching itself during lectures wasn't fully in English

  • Joined a student club about rocket engineering

My Experience at Penn:

I always dreamt about traveling to the US and visiting one of the Ivy League schools, not taking classes or anything, only taking pictures. So studying at UPenn wasn't only a dream that became true, but rather an upgrade to my dream! Studying at a prestigious university is a different experience, here you meet a lot of different people from different cultures, each with a unique story to tell, and you also have a unique story to tell, and I love to hear about people's lives and stories, and share mine too! Additionally, engineering labs were so advanced, I enjoyed working there (I also spent many nights there :)), I got to know some of the professors and TA staff that were very helpful and supportive. Finally, my time at UPenn encouraged me to follow my dream of doing a Ph.D. degree and becoming a researcher and teacher, hopefully, in the next five years I would be doing my Ph.D. degree.

Other Highlights:

  • Went to Disney World (Magic Kingdom) and Universal Studios (Island of Adventure) in Florida, also went to New York and Washington D.C.

  • Took a class taught by one of the smartest and most supportive professors (Professor Nader Engheta).

  • Casually chit-chatting with one of the house directors of Harnwell College house, who happens to be also a professor, he approached me while I was sitting in the mezzanine and asked if I would like to drink a cup of tea, afterward we were casually talking about life and education, then other people joined and we kept talking about many random and interesting stuff from our backgrounds, I won't forget this moment since it was so random yet so interesting.

  • Living alone made me discover many things about myself and my personality, and I became more self-independent and self-aware.

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