Vote While Studying Abroad

As a U.S. citizen, you can vote in U.S. elections while studying abroad! Follow these steps:

Step 1: Request an Overseas Absentee Ballot

  • Go to to request an overseas absentee ballot
  • Use the UPenn address as your home address. If you aren’t sure how to fill out the address field, reach out! (
  • We strongly recommend that you check the box to receive your absentee ballot electronically (by email) to ensure it’s delivered on time.

Step 2: Receive Your Ballot Online; Print It Out and Mail It Back 

  • 45 days before the November election, your local election official will start sending out ballots.

Once you receive your emailed ballot, either fill it out and return it electronically if your state allows, or print and mail back a paper copy.

For more information, visit the Vote By Mail page of Penn Leads the Vote.