Penn Abroad Ambassador Andrew Vandenbussche

Andrew in Paris, France
CAS '24
Economics & Political Science
SA: Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po)
Semester Abroad (SA)


  • SA: Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po)

Ask me about...

  • Deepening knowledge about foreign cultures

  • Finding housing or a host family abroad

  • Growing on a personal level when exposed to new environments and challenges of adjusting 

My Experience Abroad:

People are really surprised when I tell them that I never had any intention to study abroad. My decision to go to Paris was admittedly random, but at the start of my junior year, I realized I wanted a change of pace from the usual Penn experience. Studying in France proved to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. As an economics and political science major, I enjoyed studying at a prestigious school like Sciences Po which attracts like-minded students who share similar interests in foreign affairs and international politics. Paris as a city is fabulous. I took advantage of all opportunities to throw myself in local Paris life: walks along the Seine, (free!) visits to museums including the Louvre, and lots and lots of delicious food. My homestay family made me feel at home thousands of miles from home, and we still keep in touch. Living with them gave me the chance to practice my French while learning about Parisian life. Beyond this, being abroad gave me the opportunity to travel regionally, exploring different parts of France and six other countries. Coming back to campus, I feel fortunate for my new deepened global perspective, my improved French, and a newfound intercultural curiosity. I'll always have fond memories of Paris and my time abroad.

Other Highlights:

  • Picnicking at Square du Vert-Galant on the Seine with friends every week

  • Going to Easter Vigil with my homestay family at Eglise de la Sainte Trinité

  • Celebrating birthdays with my homestay family (Marie-Pascale makes the best chocolate mouse!)

  • Visiting Normandy, Provence, and the Côte d'Azur

  • Travelling to the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Croatia, and the Czech Republic

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