Joanna Lin

Wharton & CAS '24
Real Estate & International Studies (Huntsman Dual-Degree Program)
SA: Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po)
Semester Abroad (SA)


  • SA: Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po)

Ask me about...

  • Taking classes in a foreign language

  • Immersing yourself in the arts (visual art, architecture, music, cinema) while abroad

  • Meeting people while living alone

  • Taking day trips outside of your host city/country

My Experience Abroad:

At Sciences Po, I took classes on political science, international relations, and the European Union. As someone in a dual-degree program with Wharton working in real estate, study abroad was a meaningful way to reconnect with my liberal arts degree and deepen my understanding of contemporary issues in France and Europe at large. In Paris specifically, I was able to improve my French and immerse myself in unparalleled art and architecture. Personally I'm also strongly considering in living and working in Europe, so being able to travel across the continent was a unique opportunity to test a potential future home.

Other Highlights:

  • Spending a week in the French Riviera

  • Becoming friends with local French people, including a fashion student who sewed looks for the Dior runway

  • Experiencing Giverny and Auvers-Sur-Oise

  • Discovering the best rooftops in Paris

  • Staying up all night with friends on the banks of the Seine

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