Penn Abroad Ambassador Linda Wu

Linda on a boat in the Galapagos
Wharton & CAS '24
Economics & Biology
PGS: Communicating Change in Mongolia (Remote)
PGS: Laboratory of Evolution: The History, Philosophy, and Science of Evolution in the Galápagos Archipelago
GRIP: Keru (Remote)
SA: CIEE Monteverde: Tropical Ecology and Conservation
Penn Global Seminars (PGS) Semester Abroad (SA) Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP)


  • PGS: Communicating Change in Mongolia (Remote)

  • PGS: Laboratory of Evolution: The History, Philosophy, and Science of Evolution in the Galápagos Archipelago

  • GRIP: Keru (Remote)

  • SA: CIEE Monteverde: Tropical Ecology and Conservation

Ask me about...

  • Getting to know a new community in an unfamiliar place

  • Taking advantage of a remote work setting

  • Sustainability- and conservation-related programs

  • Snorkeling for the first time

My Experience:

My academic and professional goals center around conservation and environmental sustainability. Given that this is an international, multidisciplinary field, I have sought out experiences that give me a well-rounded perspective on the topic. My experiences in Penn Global Seminars and GRIP have allowed me to see how various communities and industries have tackled the issue. My academic program during my semester abroad in Costa Rica combined scientific research with conservation strategies. 

Other Highlights:

  • Learning and then seeing the change in species composition over an altitudinal gradient in the Tilarán Mountain Range in Costa Rica

  • Hearing from activists, scientists, and other individuals that have tried to tackle severe climate change in Mongolia

  • Getting my white paper translated into Mongolian

  • Speaking to conservation experts on Yunnan Snub-Nosed Monkeys

  • Unplugging and island hopping on a boat for a few days in the Galápagos Islands

  • Snorkeling for the first time and swimming among schools of fish, sea lions, coral reefs, sea starts, and even sharks

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