Penn Abroad Ambassador Madison Holler

Student sitting in library with many books behind them on shelves
CAS '24
GRIP: PR and Marketing in Bangkok
Global Research & Internship Program (GRIP)


  • GRIP: PR and Marketing in Bangkok

Ask me about...

  • Being a first-generation, low-income student who went abroad for the first time

  • Getting my first passport for the program!

  • Working in an environment where we had to talk to clients around the world in addition to clients in Thailand

My Experience Abroad:

My experience directly impacted my desire to go into a field that intersects media, content creation, and marketing after college. I was able to learn PR techniques and directly apply my studies in communication theories when working with clients. It helped me to understand that I wanted to use my major creatively. 

Other Highlights:

  • Being able to work with so many amazing companies through my internship

  • Traveling the country extensively

  • Making lasting relationships with my mentors

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