Penn Abroad Ambassador Malini Correa

Student headshot of Malini Correa
Nursing '24
PGS: Health and Healthcare System in Chile
Penn Global Seminars (PGS)


  • PGS: Health and the Healthcare System in Chile

Ask me about...

  • Traveling to my program's country for the first time.

  • Attending a lecture on health in Chile taught in Spanish despite never having taken a content course in another language before.

  • Seeing the healthcare settings of another country for the first time was intriguing and eye-opening.

My Experience Abroad:

This program was my top pick for a Penn Abroad program so because it related to many of my professional goals and interests. I am very interested in global health and the different health systems around the world, and I am always looking for opportunities to improve my Spanish-speaking skills. While in Chile, we had the opportunity to visit multiple different healthcare settings, both in-patient and out-patient, which was valuable to me as a future healthcare worker. I appreciated the faculty and students at the University of the Andes and the staff at IFSA who showed us around Santiago and Valparaíso and taught us so much about the culture and daily lives of Chilenos. Throughout the trip, I was able to practice my Spanish with native speakers.

Other Highlights:

  • Our class tour around the campus of the University of the Andes, which was neatly laid out, very open and interconnected, and seemed like a great school to attend

  • Our class trip to a vineyard, which was very beautiful and a great place to visit

  • Lastly, we went to a geriatric healthcare center, with a mixture of outpatient offices and inpatient beds, which was a very informative trip for me

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