Penn Abroad Ambassador Martin Halsberghe

EAP: Wharton, Fall 2023
From University of Leuven - KU Leuven
EAP: University of Leuven
Exchange at Penn (EAP)

Ask Me About...

  • Academic questions, such as course selection and workload
  • Campus life-related questions, such as living abroad for the first time and the social scene
  • Traveling in the United States, including places farther away from Philadelphia, such as San Francisco and Miami

My Experience at Penn:

The experience has been the most valuable one in my life so far. It has helped me to develop on both a professional and personal level.

On a professional level, I was able to take courses that taught concepts such as how to tackle a negotiation, niche products within the financial industry, and various biases that influence our decision-making. All topics that are beyond the scope of my home university. Professors at Penn are extremely approachable, passionate about what they teach, and want to help you succeed in life. Thanks to the valuable material and deeper conversations with teachers, I gained a better view of my future professional career path.

The exchange was even more insightful on a personal level. Meeting people from various backgrounds allowed me to have a better understanding of where I would like to be in the future. I formed friendships that will last the rest of my life and shared invaluable experiences with them that I will never forget.

Overall, this exchange at Penn was the best decision in my life so far, and I encourage everyone to have this invaluable experience too!

Other Highlights:

  • Visiting various cities, including New York City and Washington D.C., allowed me to see different parts of the US, see iconic landmarks, and have a good time
  • Going to Miami Beach after the finals with friends to relax on the beach, enjoy what Miami has to offer, and reflect on the entire exchange
  • Engaging in long conversations with friends and professors about their life choices, future aspirations, and sharing advice
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