Penn Abroad Ambassador Max Cass

Portrait of Max and a friend
CAS '24
Philosophy, Politics & Economics
SA: Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po)
Semester Abroad (SA)


  • SA: Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po)

Ask me about...

  • Ask me about…

  • Living in a massive city

  • Weekend travel tips

  • Parisian architecture

  • Trains in Italy

My Experience:

Academically, attending SciencesPo in Paris was perfectly aligned with my major, PPE. I was able to take formative and unique classes like Women’s Political Philosophy and Intro to Buddhism. My research interests focus on the formation of collective meaning and the mendacious nature of established truths. This often necessities an exposure to new perspectives which I was at no loss for at such an international school. Socially, I was able to expand my networks immensely. I’m particularly excited about bringing back to school connections I made with other Penn students I met abroad. Living in the center of Paris, I had access to the best food. My friends and I tried nearly every Poke place in Paris, always treated ourselves to Baklava for dessert, and couldn’t go a day without getting a butter chicken wrap from our favorite whole-in-the-wall Indian place down the street. 

Other Highlights:

  • Learning how to paraglide in Lebanon

  • Learning how to surf in Morocco

  • Developing a personal style

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