Penn Abroad Ambassador Tyeirra Lynch

Tyeirra at the Prado Museum in Madrid
Wharton '24
Marketing & Entrepreneurship
SA: Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE)
Semester Abroad (SA)


  • SA: Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE) 

Ask me about...

  • How to navigate living on your own 

  • Overcoming culture shock and homesickness

  • Speaking in a foreign language

My Experience:

As a marketing concentration, I have found it to be extremely important to understand a vast variety of people and audiences to get a point across. During my time in Spain, I was able to explore different cultures than I had previously been exposed to in the U.S. From that, I have found new ways to communicate to more groups. Specifically in my international marketing class. Through this class I was able to see the difference between marketing on a local basis and broader with more people, groups, and cultures. This has not only helped me to expand my horizons, but also showed me how to perceive companies differently.

Beyond my Wharton studies, I am seeking a certificate in Spanish. Living in Spain allowed me to practice and use my Spanish more often and conversationally, improving my Spanish drastically. Since I have returned home, I have found myself engaging in conversations with less hesitation and more confidence. A major influence for me learning Spanish was to communicate with Spanish speakers who do not have the opportunity to learn English. However, my knowledge of Spanish has now helped me to understand other romance languages like French and Italian.

Other Highlights:

  • Meeting people from different countries...  At one point I was living with people from The Netherlands, The UK, Greece, France, Argentina, Mexico, Italy, and India!

  • Traveling to neighboring areas and learning more about different cultures.

  • Eating the fresh, rich food that Europe has to offer!

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