Watch Now: Reforming the Global Financial System: A Critical Conversation

November 15, 2023
By Perry World House

The financial framework that is supposed to knit the world together is failing to provide. As a result, countries with the least resources to adapt to shocks like climate change, pandemics, or conflict are falling further into debt and poverty. The world is not on course to meet universally agreed development objectives like those outlined in the 2030 Agenda or the Paris Agreement. Instead, socio-economic, environmental, and therefore human, security is eroding.

Fit for purpose some 70 years ago, the global financial architecture, comprised of the Bretton Woods institutions, needs to change. But how is the subject of intense debate. Some believe that the current system could be evolved, while others believe a new approach is needed if all countries – especially the least developed – are to have a fair shot at prosperity. What nuances underwrite these philosophies, and what is really needed to fix what is broken?

Join Perry World House and the Wharton School for this critical conversation on how to finance solutions to the world’s biggest challenges and secure a future that all countries want.

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