
Through dedicated programs and funding opportunities, Perry World House supports faculty from across the University of Pennsylvania in their research.


Faculty Affiliates

We invite University of Pennsylvania faculty to apply as Perry World House affiliates on a rolling basis. We expect affiliated faculty to participate in some of our events throughout the year, and we will provide opportunities for our affiliates to meet and interact with our visitors and students, as well as listing them on our websiteMeet this year’s Faculty Affiliates.

Faculty Fellows

Our new Faculty Fellows program aims to deepen the collaboration between faculty members across all of Penn’s 12 schools and Perry World House by providing robust support for global policy-relevant faculty research and engagement. Meet this year's Faculty Fellows.

Lightning Scholars

Inspired by Penn founder Benjamin Franklin's groundbreaking research in electricity, this program brings untenured, but tenure-track, faculty at either the assistant or associate level from around the world to Philadelphia for a semester or year of writing, fellowship, and bridging the gap between academia and the policy world.


Global Policy Course Enrichment Grants

Penn faculty can apply for funding to make their teaching more policy-relevant, with grants available to design a new course, invite guest speakers, and more. Applications for our next round of funding are due March 14, 2023.

International Visitors Grant Program

Members of the Penn community - faculty, research centers, institutes, programs, and student groups - can apply for funding of up to $3,500 to bring an international policy visitor to Penn from abroad, using virtual learning, programming, and engagement strategies. Applications are open on a rolling basis.