
With the world increasingly close to critical warming thresholds, climate change is a defining challenge of our time, demanding urgent and transformative action.

That is why Perry World House has made addressing climate change a core focus. Toward this end, PWH’s climate-focused work has primarily been focused on the human impacts of climate change, bringing experts to campus to advance discourse and work on climate migration, security, cities, finance, small islands, heat, and health. PWH has also worked closely with the International Peace Institute to achieve negotiated outcomes at the COP, playing a central role in the decision to establish new funding arrangements to address Loss and Damage, the unavoided impacts of climate change.  

PWH has established itself as the place on campus coalescing and translating diverse research into global climate policy. Guided in part by Genie Birch and Michael Weisberg, PWH will continue to have a dedicated research agenda on climate adaptation and climate finance, around which it has built a network of experts and access to decision making processes locally and globally. PWH’s comparative advantage lives in its ability to work across Penn’s many schools, centers, and disciplines, at the science-policy interface, to influencing direction setting and outcomes at the highest levels of climate diplomacy.