Perry World House Report Report | Conflict Simulation: Ukraine Two Years at War

Cover of the Perry World House Report, "Conflict Simulation: Ukraine Two Years at War"


Two years after the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine, Perry World House conducted a conflict simulation, gathering experts to reflect on the trajectory of the war and elucidate policy considerations for the future. Facilitated by the US Army War College, the simulation featured the participation of military leaders, diplomats, policymakers, and regional security experts who, in the war-game, represented the interests of the Russia Federation (Russia), Ukraine, the United States, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). They examined possible paths the conflict could have taken between March 2023 and September 2024, and based on these scenario outcomes, outlined strategies for the next two years.


Read the report here.

Thought Pieces and Media

Alongside the report, we've published a series of thought pieces and other media from the academics and policy practitioners who attended the simulation.

Read: The West Can No Longer Hesitate On Ukraine by Alexander Vershbow (published by Foreign Policy)

Read: Ukraine War Game Reflection by Michael Kenwick

Watch: Perry World House Ukraine War Game Video

Listen: Chain Reaction podcast: Russia's Invasion Through Ukrainian Eyes