Perry World House Report Taiwan's Geopolitics After 2024: Election Implications for the Indo-Pacific and Beyond

Taiwan's Geopolitics After 2024 report cover

What factors will impact cross-Strait relations as Taiwan transitions to the Lai Ching-te administration? How do actors across the Indo-Pacific perceive Taiwan’s domestic, foreign, and cross-Strait policies? To address these questions, Perry World House gathered expert scholars and practitioners for a workshop on March 12, 2024 to discuss Taiwan’s official and unofficial diplomatic relations, regional economic ties, and future areas of geopolitical, security, and economic cooperation.

This workshop was made possible in part by Carnegie Corporation of New York.


Read the report here.

Thought Pieces

Alongside the report, we've published a series of thought pieces from the academics and policy practitioners who attended the workshop.

Taiwan's Geopolitics After the 2024 Election: Implications for the Philippines by Julio S. Amador III (Published by Global Taiwan Institute)

Prospects for Taiwan-Japan Relations After the 2024 Election by Madoka Fukuda (Published by Global Taiwan Institute)

Complexities of Philippine Security Decision-Making on a Taiwan Contingency by Dianne Faye Co Despi

Recalibrating Japan's Economic Interests in Taiwan by Shihoko Goto

A Future Outlook: Prospects for Somaliland-Taiwan Relations by Mohamed Hagi (Published by Global Taiwan Institute)

China's Influence on India-Taiwan Economic Dynamics by Sana Hashmi (Published by Global Taiwan Institute)

Winning Without Fighting: Maritime Security and Cooperation in Taiwan-Philippines Relations by Christina Lai

Forging a Path Towards Stability and Cohesion in Foreign Policy: Taiwan's Future Foreign Policy Direction by Fei-Fan Lin

Taiwan's Response to the Potential Crisis in the Korean Peninsula by Yeh-Chung Lu

Business as Usual Before the Next US Administration: Taiwan's Japan Policy Under President Lai by Hsin-Hsin Pan

A Legal Perspective on the Future of Cross-Strait Relations in William Lai's Taiwan by Trang Pham

Japan's Response to a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan: A Four Year Outlook by Admiral (ret.) Tomohisa Takei

The Future of Taiwan-Vietnam Economic Relations by Tran Thi Mong Tuyen (Published by Global Taiwan Institute)