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Book Talk with Mayor Michael Nutter, “Mayor: The Best Job in Politics”
6:00 PM
Perry World House | World Forum

Join Penn IUR, Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice, and Penn Press for a talk with Michael Nutter, former Mayor of Philadelphia and Senior SP2 Executive Fellow at Penn IUR, to discuss his book, “Mayor: The Best Job in Politics,” published by Penn Press as part of Penn IUR’s City in the 21st Century Book Series.

University of Pennsylvania Provost Wendell Pritchett will moderate a conversation with Mayor Nutter about the challenges of choosing a life of public service and deciding to run for office. Additional remarks will come from Penn IUR Faculty Fellow John Jackson, Dean, Social Policy and Practice, Penn IUR Co-Director Eugenie Birch, and Penn IUR Co-Director Susan Wachter. Reception and book signing to follow.

To purchase this book visit Penn Press’ website here

Read an excerpt of Mayor: The Best Job in Politics.