Perry World House 35th annual Women of Color at Penn awards

March 21, 2022
By Kristina García | Penn Today

Former Perry World House Graduate Associate Shaquilla Harrigan has been recognized at the 35th annual Women of Color at Penn Awards.

The Women of Color at Penn (WOCAP) hosted their 35th annual award ceremony on March 18 with a virtual celebration. WOCAP is housed in the African American Resource Center (AARC). This year’s theme was empowering women of color in business, and the organization created a resource booklet, business directory, and a series of financial literacy workshops.

“For more than three decades, Women of Color at Penn has served to remind us of the remarkable work so many women of color perform across and really in every context of our daily lives,” said Interim President Wendell Pritchett, who delivered opening remarks. The award ceremony, he said, is “an important reminder because, while their efforts may sometimes go unremarked, they should never ever be unappreciated.”...

Shaquilla Harrigan, the graduate honoree from Winder, Georgia, is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology and was a 2019-20 Perry World House Graduate Associate. Harrigan, who serves as chair of the Graduate Sociology Society and volunteers with an organization for African and Caribbean immigrants and refugees, hopes to collaborate with others in the Penn community to work for justice. “It’s really an honor to also do this at Penn and to be in Philadelphia, considering the legacy of W.E.B. DuBois and so many other Black activists in this area,” Harrigan said. “I hope to carry on their legacy.”

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