Russia , United States After Biden's swing through Europe, a six-month clock ticks for progress with Putin
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June 17, 2021
Katherine Doyle | The Washington Examiner
Perry World House Director of Communications and Research, John Gans, is quoted in this article from The Washington Examiner.
President Joe Biden returned from a swing through Europe voicing optimism while starting a six-month clock during which the two countries will start nuclear security talks and the United States will determine whether the Kremlin has cracked down on cyberattacks from its soil.
"We'll find out within the next six months to a year, whether or not there is actually a strategic dialogue that matters with Russia," Biden told reporters during a news conference on the final day of his weeklong visit with European allies and partners. He met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on his final day, a meeting that began with Russian security scuffling the press pool and ended with the two leaders taking questions in separate press conferences...
"Was everything achieved and could have been? There's no way that's ever true of a meeting," said John Gans, author of White House Warriors: How the National Security Council Transformed the American Way of War and chief speechwriter to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter during the Obama administration. "No president achieved every single thing."