Defense, Global Governance, Power & Security Fall 2018 Global Order Colloquium Thought Pieces

December 31, 2018
By Various Authors

On the first day of the 2018 Global Order Colloquium, scholars and policy experts convened to exchange views on how the global order is faring at a time of dramatic change and turbulence. With the support of Carnegie Corporation of New York, the colloquium aimed to bridge the gap between academia and the policy world by empowering experts to foster mutual understanding on divisive questions at the intersection of international security, political economy, international law, and global culture. Symposium participants dissected the influence of national interests and proposed interdisciplinary pathways for cooperation in the management and evolution of the great power competition.

Taken together, each of the first day’s panels generated conversations that at times were pessimistic as well as optimistic, focused on regional and then global matters, and proposed both private and public solutions.

The thought pieces developed by the Global Order Colloquium panelists are linked below.

Panel 1: Power Transitions

The first panel discussed the latest research on shifts in the international security environment, particularly regional balances of power.

Introduction: Competing Visions for the Global Order  by Michael C. Horowitz and Andro Mathewson

Power Transitions and Internal Challenges in East Asian History  by David Kang

Global Ordering and International Alternatives for Europe: NATO vs. EU?  by Stephanie Hofmann

The Persistence of Great Power Politics by  David Edelstein

Chinese Attitude Towards the International Order  by Wu Xinbo

Panel 2: Economic Transitions

The second panel probed the fragility of the economic order as the United States becomes less willing to bear the burden of an open international system.

The Demise of the Global Liberal Order  by Mauro Guillén

The Winners and Losers from International Trade  by Nina Pavcnik

Globalization, Populism, and the Decline of the Welfare State  by Helen Milner

The Ebb and Flow of International Orders  by Julia Gray

Panel 3: Legal & Institutional Transitions

The third panel examined whether the international legal regime can continue to provide a stable basis for addressing human rights violations and generate a framework for diplomatic and economic interactions.

International Law in a Multipolar Order  by Aslı Bâli

International Order between Governance and Contract  by Harlan Cohen

Global Order in a Post-Western World: Beyond Alarmism  by Oliver Stuenkel

From the Global Trade Order's Crown Jewel to its Crown of Thorns  by Cosette Creamer

Panel 4: Communications & Cultural Transitions

The fourth panel considered how global culture is changing to reflect not just new voices, but also changing national power dynamics.

The Technology of Cultural Diplomacy and the Culture of Technology  by Amelia Arsenault

Applied Linguistics and the Global Order  by James Lantolf

Unity and Disunity in Global Cultures: A Research Challenge  by Kevin Platt

(Re)Writing Erased Histories: Afro-Descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean  by Luisa Ossa

When Chinese Media Join American Platforms  by Guobin Yang