Russia , Europe, International Law, Global Governance Keepers of the cultural memory
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March 29, 2022
Michele W. Berger | Penn Today
Faculty Fellow Lynn Meskell is quoted in this article about the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Ukraine.
Artist and teacher Rymma Mylenkova has long wanted to understand how to best use public art in urban spaces as a social-development tool. In the past month, the question has become ever more urgent. Mylenkova is Ukrainian, in Philadelphia as a Fulbright Scholar at Penn’s Stuart Weitzman School of Design. She’s also working with Mural Arts Philadelphia.
Her parents remain in Ukraine, having recently left their home 20 miles from the Russian border for safety in the western part of the country. The distance from her family is hard at such a time, Mylenkova says, but she’s channeling that energy into a passion project: getting exposure in Philadelphia for the work Ukrainian artists back home have created during this war.
Places also constitute an important component of cultural heritage, and here, too, the war puts them at risk. “Ukraine has seven World Heritage properties,” says Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor Lynn Meskell. “It has 17 sites on the tentative list. That means they could be inscribed at any point.”