Climate Change, United States Michael E. Mann is Coming for Your Climate Doomism
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August 11, 2022
Rozanne Patel Shepelavy | The Philadelphia Citizen
Incoming PWH Faculty Fellow Michael E. Mann is interviewed in the Philadelphia Citizen about his career and his move to the University of Pennsylvania.
It should be enough to know climatologist Michael E. Mann for his groundbreaking research on global warming. In 1998, he co-authored a study that tracked temperatures in the northern hemisphere from 1400 AD that showed the Earth started to sharply heat up in the early 20th Century. The study, published in Nature, was illustrated by perhaps the most famous graph in science, what became known as the “hockey stick” for how it portrayed the sudden temperature rise of the planet...
In September, Mann — for years the director of Penn State’s Earth Systems Science Center — will become director of the University of Pennsylvania’s new Science, Sustainability and the Media program, leading Penn’s push to become a leader in climate change communications.
I spoke with Mann a few days before the Senate passed the country’s first significant climate legislation in decades.