Coronavirus, Climate Change There's Something About Darwin

October 20, 2021
By In These Times | OMNIA Podcast

Perry World House Senior Faculty Fellow and Director of Post-Graduate Programs, Michael Weisberg, guests on Penn Arts & Science's OMNIA podcast to discuss science denial.

If you were writing a book about the history of science denial, the chapter on Darwin would have to be one of the longest. But why? You can argue that we see evolution all the time – it is, after all, why we’re worrying today about the emergence of new variants of COVID-19. Does it boil down to a divide between religion and science that just can’t be bridged? And what’s at risk when what science tells us about evolution is rejected? In this episode, we'll hear from a philosopher of science and an evolutionary biologist on what it is about Darwinian evolution that has made it a poster child for science denial, and why it’s important to understand the facts.

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