Climate Change, Energy Earth Week offers immersive opportunities to connect with nature

April 15, 2022
By Katherine Unger Baillie | Penn Today

Spring has arrived on campus, with early crops ready for harvest at the Penn Park Farm, cherry trees abloom, and warmer temperatures drawing members of the community out to enjoy nature.

At the same time, daily headlines—like those about the latest IPCC report or the need to design with rising sea levels in mind—remind us that the planet needs some help to stay healthy.

Those who appreciate what Earth has to offer may find themselves with twin impulses: to soak up nature but also to take action to protect it. Good news: At Penn, there’s a week for that.


Perry World House will hold a keynote event Thursday, April 21, on how climate change is impacting island nations. And on this day and throughout the week, Penn Dining is offering plant-forward meal challenges during lunch and dinner at 1920 Commons, Hill House, Kings Court English College House, and Lauder College House.

Read more in Penn Today>>