
You are viewing a past event
Adapt to Penn Today Workshop (Day 2)
1pm - 4:50pm
Meyerson B1

These interactive workshops will provide students with helpful tips on how to thrive at Penn in areas such as academics, social and cultural integration, health and well-being, and more. 

No registration is required! These workshops are open to all, regardless if you are an undergraduate/graduate student/scholar, or an international/U.S. student.

1 - 1:50 pm - Safety First:

Navigating Penn and Philadelphia with Confidence

2 - 2:50 pm - Crafting Your Career Path:

International Students and U.S. Employment

3 - 3:50 pm - Navigating and Mastering US Classrooms for Success at Penn:

Cultivating Academic Excellence

4 - 4:50 pm - Voices of Success:

International Student Panel Shares Tips and Triumphs